Are you tired of pouring from an empty cup & need to recharge?

Form the healthy habit of self care with our new online course. Your future self will thank you for it 💜 This course is for you if......

  • you put others needs before your own

  • you are constantly exhausted

  • you wake up more tired than you went to bed

  • you have no time/energy/money to do anything for you

  • you are a key worker and/or support worker

  • you aren’t very good at making decisions

  • it feels like the world is against you

  • you often wonder why you bother

Sign up here

Your future self will thank you. Just a few minutes a day to create the healthy habit of self care.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Session One - The Importance of Self Care

    • Introduction

    • Make It Work

    • What Is Self Care?

    • The Importance of Self Care

    • Self Care Ideas

    • Self Care Top Ten

    • The Bill of Rights

    • Session 1 Homework

    • Session 1 quiz

  • 2

    Session Two - All About Me

    • Recap and overview

    • Who Am I?

    • Rosenburg's Self Esteem Scale

    • Complete the Self Esteem Scale online

    • Journalling

    • Setting Intentions & Homework

  • 3

    Session Three - The Body

    • Re-cap and Overview

    • Sleep

    • Hydration

    • Nutrition

    • Digital Detox

    • Get moving

    • Laugh

    • Session 3 Quiz

    • Homework

  • 4

    Session Four - The Mind

    • Recap and Overview

    • Affirmations

    • Boundaries

    • Gratitude

    • Mindfullness

    • Positive Self Talk

    • Worry Time

    • The Mirror

    • Session 4 Quiz

    • Homework

  • 5

    Session Five - The Soul

    • Recap and overview

    • Back To Nature

    • Declutter

    • Music

    • Sanctuary

    • Homework

    • Session Five Quiz

  • 6

    Session Six - Bringing It All Together

    • Overview

    • My Rediscovery Journey

    • Self Esteem Quiz

    • Body

    • Mind

    • Soul

    • What Next?

    • Asking For Help

    • Endings and beginnings

    • End of Course Survey



Jeanette Brown

In 2010 I attended a pattern changing course and it was life changing for me. I learned life skills I wish I had known from a young age. I had worked as a beauty therapist for over 25 years when my eyesight faded and as I had been volunteering within the domestic abuse field I explored it further. I love empowering people who have been through abuse and showing them they deserve better. People who don’t believe in themselves, or have had their light dimmed from abuse. I am privileged to have co facilitated pattern changing courses over the past eight years and worked as a domestic abuse support adviser until recently.’ I’ve had a year out working full time but I struggled as a single mum and dealing with my own mental wellbeing. Although my boss was extremely supportive, I realised I was not following my dream and decided to focus on More Positive Me. I started ‘Tuesdays’ as an opportunity for peer support and a chance to work on my next book project. I also challenge the media to use the words ‘domestic abuse’ in their reporting of domestic abuse and to provide a helpline number, much as the Samaritans number is at the end of reporting on a suicide, or suspected suicide.


Debbie Coleiro

i used to work as Manager for The Witness Service for Central and North Devon Courts. I managed a large team of amazing volunteers who provided support for victims and witnesses going to court to give evidence. It was during my work in the courts that I found myself advocating on behalf of victims to ensure their views were taken on board throughout the court process it was clear that there needed to be more support for women and their children who had to come to court and face their abusers. I became the Court Specialist Domestic Violence Advisor & Independent Domestic and Sexual Violence Advisor and spent the next 10 years supporting and advocating on behalf of victims and their families through the criminal justice system trying to achieve the best outcomes we could for them and most importantly trying to keep them safe. I trained to deliver the Pattern Changing course. I found it to be one of the most rewarding parts of my job. To watch the women on the group from the day they start the course to the day they leave and the transformation for some of them was incredible. I could not believe that what we were showing them was so simple but so powerful in helping them move on in a more positive way and feeling more confident in themselves. I qualified to teach adults as I knew that what I really loved doing was facilitating the courses and delivering training. I worked as a Family Practitioner for DCC for 2 years and during my time at DCC I have become part of the training Champions Team and am now trained to deliver Child Protection training, as well as a number of parenting programs and a healthy relationships program for males. So I am excited about joining Jeanette to provide these valuable courses and to be able to go on the journey with the amazing people we work with.

Social proof: testimonials

by Jessie Shedden

"As someone that has and still does to some degree still suffer with low-self esteem I can honestly say The Self Care Toolkit E-Course by More Positive Me is fabulous. It’s highly practical & packed full of tonnes of really easy, simple, but effective tools and techniques to help you make real progress fast. There is so much from here that I’m going to implement into my life and I know it will make a difference as I have totally needed these reminders. I will definitely be recommending this course to friends." Jessie is an author & confidence consultant

Bonus material

Included additional content for our course

  • Discounted Books

    Drop us an email when you sign up and we will give you 20% discount for the Rediscovering You Book and the Rediscovering You Journal.

  • PDF Downloads

    Throughout the course are free downloadable resources such as:- Rediscovering You Book, Bill Of Rights, Affirmations, Colouring Pages & Poetry by Vicky Ryan.

  • Facebook Group

    A private group where you can support and encourage each other with the healthy habit of Self Care.

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