Text & media

We discover what abuse is and its different dynamics and cycles.

This short course is recommended for people recovering from domestic abuse and anyone who would like to understand the dynamics.

The main aims are:

To understand domestic abuse and its different dynamics.

To offer hope as you take your first steps to recovery.

To establish self care as part of your weekly or even daily routine. 

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Instructions for this course

    • How to Use this course

  • 2

    What is Domestic Abuse?

    • Welcome

    • How to use this course

    • Before we begin...

    • Course content & aims

    • The Government Definition of Domestic Abuse

    • Examples of Psychological Abuse

    • Examples of Economic Abuse

    • Examples of Emotional Abuse

    • Examples of Physical Abuse

    • Examples of Sexual Abuse

    • Coercive Control

    • Power & Control

    • Copy of The Power & Control Wheel

    • The Cycle of Abuse

    • Healthy & Unhealthy Relationships

    • Self Care & Gifting

    • Journal Writing

  • 3

    J9 Domestic Abuse Initiative

    • J9 Trained organisations

    • J9 Introduction

    • Your Bill of Rights

    • Common Myths about Domestic Abuse

    • Domestic Abuse and The Law

    • Protective Orders and Injunctions

    • Claires Law

    • What Is Stalking and Harassment?

    • Crisis Planning

    • Planning to Leave

    • How The police Can Help

    • Housing Options

    • Benefits

    • Child Support

    • Devon Organisations offering support

    • National Support

    • Supporting Friends and Family

    • Advice For Employers

    • Getting Help & Advice

    • Devon Local Authorities

    • Other Help, Recovery and Advice Lines (A-Z)

  • 4

    Next Steps...

    • Before you go...

    • More resources for you



Jeanette Brown

In 2010 I attended a pattern changing course and it was life changing for me. I learned life skills I wish I had known from a young age. I had worked as a beauty therapist for over 25 years when my eyesight faded and as I had been volunteering within the domestic abuse field I explored it further. I love empowering people who have been through abuse and showing them they deserve better. People who don’t believe in themselves, or have had their light dimmed from abuse. I am privileged to have co facilitated pattern changing courses over the past eight years and worked as a domestic abuse support adviser until recently.’ I’ve had a year out working full time but I struggled as a single mum and dealing with my own mental wellbeing. Although my boss was extremely supportive, I realised I was not following my dream and decided to focus on More Positive Me. I started ‘Tuesdays’ as an opportunity for peer support and a chance to work on my next book project. I also challenge the media to use the words ‘domestic abuse’ in their reporting of domestic abuse and to provide a helpline number, much as the Samaritans number is at the end of reporting on a suicide, or suspected suicide.


One of the best courses I have done.

Course attendee 2021

"One of the best courses I have done. It has brought me a lot more than I had hoped for. Such a valuable & highly informative course which I cannot recommend enough. I have ongoing support which has been a lifeline."

Actually Transformed how I look at things

course attendee

"It has actual transformed how I look at things now. To be able to learn new skills to change and become more positive."

I didn't expect the change to come so quickly

course attendee

"I didn’t expect the change to come so quickly. It is as if a light has been turned back on within my soul."